Cloudlinx Centralizes National Support Staff Under One Virtual Center

Cloudlinx helps one of the largest equipment manufacturers in Canada build a contact center from the group up to service across the country.


The challenge was simple; take our hundreds of support technicians across the country, who do not operate centrally and are doing a solid job supporting our clients and build a centralized support model that leverages our remote subject matter experts and delivers an enhanced level of care to our client so that they receive faster and even more thorough support.

Our client had their remote technician operating on legacy PBX services, receiving calls directly from clients to the branch offices without proper tracking nor the tools to engage their clients on multiple mediums or report on how successful their engagements were up to that point. They needed to leverage their existing centralized network services for QoS, build new support processes and find a vendor that would work with them to enhance their concept of “the best support possible in the industry” for their clients.


With Cloudlinx our client was able to thoroughly document their existing processes and technologies, uncover areas for improvement and discover what would excite and motivate their support team members. Understanding the “lay of the land” in the support model allowed us to craft an RFP that had hundreds of questions catered to their specific business and would force out vendors that did not comply with what they needed. This process allowed us to navigate from 7 vendors down to 2 finalists and truly do a deep dive into how “those vendors could support us and not how we could fit into their service offering”.

The client ultimately chose a CCaaS provider that offered them a flexible service offering, contract terms that allowed them to grow their support model based on success, new chat, sms and mobile options that they could layer in at their convenience and integrated with their new CRM in a proactive way.


The benefits to the technology solution that Cloudlinx employed are numerous. The client enjoyed a new technology that would help them grow, purchased without the risk of onerous contract terms, so they enjoyed the confidence and prestige of having selected the right vendor for their business. seamlessly and allowed for the client to phase in these technologies to mirror their new & expanding processes. This allowed for them to avoid critical false starts by pacing their innovation to match the business needs.


Heavy equipment distributor

Number of agents

100-150 agents in phase 1


  • Next Generation CCaaS
  • Private WAN / IP connectivity
  • Client procured UCaaS
  • Local & Nationwide Connectivity
  • SIP connections to UCaaS
  • Progressive contract terms